Risks and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in Society

02 July, 2024

**The Shadow Side of AI: Navigating the Social Perils of Algorithms**

In recent discourse, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and sophisticated algorithms has been heralded as a technological marvel with the potential to revolutionize various sectors of society. But there’s a darker undercurrent to these advances that we cannot afford to overlook. While AI can be an ally in bolstering national security efforts, it’s becoming evident that these same technologies can amplify social divisions, radicalize opinions, and destabilize politics.

Professor Joe Burton, a renowned academic at Lancaster University with expertise in International Security, presents a thought-provoking perspective in his latest research published in the Technology in Society Journal by Elsevier. According to Burton, AI systems and algorithms, traditionally perceived as safeguards against online threats, might actually pose as a threat to national security by fostering an environment ripe for extremist ideologies and conflict.

**Securitization Leading to Societal Polarization**

In stark contrast to AI’s acclaimed potential to counteract violent extremism, Burton’s paper reveals the technology’s role in societal polarization and radicalization. The securitization narrative—where technology is depicted as an existential threat—has significantly influenced AI’s design and usage patterns. This narrative, deeply embedded in our culture through media representations such as the apocalyptic imagery of ‘The Terminator’ film series, has shaped public opinion around AI. This fictional misrepresentation has, in turn, pushed governments and security agencies to mold AI technology development with a focus on reducing perceived risks.

**AI’s Impact in Modern Conflict & Cyber Security**

A chilling real-world example of AI’s double-edged sword is found in the conflict zones, where drones with autonomous capabilities for target acquisition are deployed. International debates have called for the humane use of such technologies, advocating for ‘keeping the human in the loop’. Despite this, there is an alarming trend toward full automation in warfare tools.

In the cyberspace, the profound efficiency of AI is fundamentally altering the landscape of cybersecurity. The narrative of AI as a divisive force was starkly illustrated in the context of Russia’s interference with US elections in 2016 and the related Cambridge Analytica scandal. Here, AI teamed with big data analytics painted a picture of a technology that has the chilling capacity to fuel polarization, exploit social divisions, and steer political psyche.

**The Pandemic: AI’s Double-Edged Sword**

The global COVID-19 pandemic showcased AI in a positive light with its role in tracking and tracing infection chains, but it also raised the spectrum of privacy invasion and human rights issues. The use of AI in public health monitoring demonstrated its effectiveness but simultaneously highlighted the potential for misuse in surveillance and control over populations.

**Reflecting on AI’s Design and Social Impacts**

Professor Burton’s examination extends to the actual fabric of AI: its design, the data it draws upon, and its varied applications and outcomes. The social repercussions of AI’s integration into our lives are perhaps as significant as its celebrated benefits. AI-generated images or videos can awe us with creative possibilities by using an AI video generator or an AI images generator, but without careful scrutiny, such tools could also open up avenues for misinformation and exploitation.

**A Call to Action for Researchers and Policymakers**

The profound takeaway from Burton’s work is a clarion call to researchers in cybersecurity and International Relations. It’s paramount that scholars acknowledge the inherent divisiveness of AI technology, considering these aspects in the early stages of development and application. Burton’s findings are a wakeup call to treat AI not as a politically neutral phenomenon but as one that demands a nuanced understanding of its potential societal repercussions.

In conclusion, as AI and associated technologies continue to evolve, we must strike a balance between embracing their advantages and mitigating their capacity for negative social impact. Latest AI news & AI tools must be critically assessed for how they can both shape and reflect societal values and vulnerabilities. As customers and readers hungry for the latest in AI advancements, it’s crucial to stay informed and conscious of the ramifications these technologies bear on society’s fabric. That awareness is the first step towards steering AI development towards a future that upholds societal cohesion and addresses the stark security issues Burton has illuminated.