Humane Ai Pin: The iPhone for the AI Generation Launches
04 July, 2024
Humane, a San Francisco-based tech company, has introduced an innovative wearable AI device, the Humane Ai Pin, which promises to redefine how we interact with technology. Ken Kocienda, Humane’s head of product engineering, gave a live demonstration of the device’s capabilities which included playing music, adjusting volume, and even pausing playback – all with simple hand gestures and voice commands.
The Humane Ai Pin, designed as a small white square that can be pinned to clothing, uses a green laser display projected onto the user’s hand to control various functions. The device is designed to be screenless, relying on speech for interaction. It utilizes AI large language models like OpenAI’s GPT-4 for a variety of tasks – from making calls and translating conversations in real-time to capturing AI images generator and recalling past messages.
Humane, led by former Apple executives who were instrumental in the design of the iPhone and iPad, aims to make the Humane Ai Pin the iPhone for the AI generation. The device is backed by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, who has previously expressed the necessity of AI-first consumer hardware to fully harness its benefits.
The Humane Ai Pin is designed to help users break free from the constraints of phone screens and the attention economy. As Humane’s lead designer Imran Chaudhri said during a TED talk in May, this innovative device allows users “to access the power of compute while remaining present in your surroundings.”
Humane’s headquarters in San Francisco, a seemingly vacant property from the outside, houses a sleek interior reminiscent of an Apple store. Here, Chaudhri and his wife Bethany Bongiorno, co-founders of Humane, greeted guests wearing their own Ai Pins. As Bongiorno stated, “everyone’s really hungry for an AI-first platform—they just need the hardware that’s going to enable new experiences.”
Despite competition from other tech companies and startups, Humane is the first to market with this type of AI-first consumer hardware product. The Ai Pin retails at $699, with a $24 monthly subscription fee. The device’s design and user interaction are reminiscent of Apple products, a reflection of the team’s background.
The Humane Ai Pin enables natural language interaction, a significant improvement over the more robotic tones required by previous virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa. It also handles visual inputs, as demonstrated by a Humane staff member who asked the device if his diet plan would permit him to eat an apple he held up.
However, as with any pioneering technology, the Humane Ai Pin has its kinks. During Kocienda’s demonstration, he requested a haiku about the Golden Gate Bridge from his Pin. While the device produced a poem, it didn’t adhere to the traditional haiku structure. This reflects one of the challenges of AI tools like GPT-4 which can make mistakes or “hallucinate” information.
Despite these initial hiccups, the potential of the Humane Ai Pin is undeniable. It represents a major step forward in the integration of AI into everyday life, and it will be fascinating to watch how this technology evolves. As the latest ai news continues to be dominated by advancements in AI technology, devices like the Humane Ai Pin serve as exciting reminders of the transformative power of AI.