Artificial Intelligence Creates Artwork More Popular Than Human-Made Pieces

30 June, 2024

In an era where artificial intelligence is transforming various sectors, the invocation of AI in the art world is raising new questions about the value of creativity and the role of human artists. A recent study published in Scientific Reports offers a nuanced look at the intersection of AI and art, shedding light on how humans perceive artwork created by machines versus their flesh-and-blood counterparts.

The study, conducted by researchers Simone Grassini and Mika Koivisto, reveals an intriguing aspect of human psychology in relation to technology. They presented participants with 20 artworks created by human artists across five genres such as Cubism and Impressionism, and another 20 AI-generated images mimicking these styles. These were shown to roughly 200 individuals who were then asked to evaluate their visual appeal, emotional impact, and to guess whether the artwork was crafted by a human or an AI.

Interestingly, distinctions between AI-generated art and human artwork were not as clear-cut to the participants as one might expect. Grassini, a psychologist at the University of Bergen and the University of Stavanger with a focus on human interaction with AI, remarks on how people showed a propensity to favor AI images, feeling more positive emotions from them. One potential reason for this could be a form of recognition; AI-generated images often resemble the average of all human art, thus they appear familiar and more appealing to viewers.

This effect speaks volumes about the latest AI news & tools and how they could redefine artistic creation and enjoyment. And yet, when participants believed an image to be the work of AI, they rated it as less beautiful and with lower emotional value, a bias showing the ingrained human assumption that art is a uniquely human endeavor with an inherent backstory.

Alinta Krauth, an artist and senior lecturer in digital culture at the University of Bergen, echoes this sentiment, noting the personal and cultural significance of art. Regardless of the art’s actual origin, society cherishes human creativity, with many wishing to preserve this trait as something distinctly human. She articulates, “People want art to have a backstory – which can be more difficult to achieve if the public believes that a work is entirely machine-made.”

It’s clear that while machines such as AI images generators can replicate certain aesthetic standards, the notion of creativity may be harder to ascribe to them. Krauth believes that while machines can produce visuals pleasing to the human eye, they are not inherently creative—that is, until they are perceived as such.

The research also unearthed two personal traits that impacted how participants viewed images thought to be AI-authored: a positive attitude toward technology and openness to new experiences. According to Grassini, those who appreciated technology or who were open to new experiences tended to perceive AI-generated art more favorably. This shatters the preconceived idea that artistic individuals might view AI as a threat to their craft.

As we assimilate more AI in our daily lives, understanding these perceptions becomes increasingly valuable. It’s possible that in the near future, AI video generators and ai text generators will become commonplace, creating products virtually indistinguishable from those made by humans.

The research by Grassini and Koivisto is an invitation to reflect on our preconceived notions of creativity and art; as artificial intelligence generated images become more prevalent, it pushes us to reassess the value we place on the origin of creativity. It’s a testament to the inevitability that as technology evolves, so too must our understanding and acceptance of its role within spheres we once deemed exclusively human.

In conclusion, the study illustrates the complexity of human perceptions when it comes to AI-influenced creativity. Grassini and Koivisto’s work underscores how societal attitudes are evolving in tandem with technological progression, urging us to consider the implications of this cultural shift for the future of artistry and AI tools. For enthusiasts seeking to stay abreast of these developments, exploring the latest AI news & tools could be a fascinating journey into redefining artistic innovation and enjoyment.