Airlines Investing In Artificial Intelligence To Improve Revenue

02 July, 2024

As airlines soar towards technological innovation, they are embracing artificial intelligence (AI) with the goal of enhancing revenue streams and optimizing operational efficiency. This advance is undertaken with an eye towards mimicking the success of tech giants like Amazon and Uber in leveraging customer data to tailor services and boost sales.

The Promise of AI in Airline Revenue Maximization

In an age where every traveler’s preference can pave the way for tailored offerings, airlines are keen on capitalizing on this prospect. AI stands as a linchpin in this strategic initiative, promising a shift from blanket marketing to laser-focused upselling techniques. Gone are the days when fare bundles were the epitome of personalized service. Now, the focus is on smart upselling, where the algorithm understands that an elite status passenger may not need an upsell that includes perks they already enjoy for free. This kind of intuitive marketing can avoid overtures that may otherwise mislead or frustrate savvy travelers.

However, the road to AI implementation is not without its turbulence. Airlines have struggled at times with the basics of intelligent offerings. Take, for instance, the missed opportunity of upselling lounge access. Systems at the lounge entry can easily discern eligibility, yet the leap to integrate this capability into the check-in workflow requires an AI-driven approach that is currently underdeveloped.

Making Strides with AI: Industry Leaders’ Perspectives

Delta’s CEO Ed Bastian spoke of harnessing AI to streamline customer service operations. By equipping reservation agents with AI tools, customer inquiries, such as pet travel policies, can be processed significantly faster. Where once it took minutes, AI has the potential to reduce this to mere seconds, signifying a profound enhancement in efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Similarly, Martin Gauss of airBaltic shared insights on integrating home-grown and third-party AI solutions aimed at sharpening the airline’s efficiency across various business operations. AI applications at airBaltic include support for new hire onboarding and facilitating rapid access to critical operational information, exemplifying AI’s multifaceted utility in the aviation sector.

AI’s deepening footprint is also noticeable in adjacent industries, such as hospitality. Tim Hentschel of Hotel Planner illuminated a system that aids call center agents by providing relevant policy information during customer calls, much like an ever-attentive digital assistant. Yet, he stipulates the technology does not front-end customer interactions, thereby steering clear of potential missteps inherent to AI-powered chatbots.

AI Beyond Customer Interaction: Pricing and Policy Decisions

Not limited to customer services, AI’s contributions to pricing strategy are a talking point. The question of whether this entails true AI application or is an advanced form of statistical analysis might be debated, but the impact on airlines’ pricing capabilities is unmistakable. As AI tools evolve, they are expected to further refine airlines’ revenue management, which has previously relied on extensive data analysis.

In this digital transformation era, players like Amadeus are introducing platforms like Nevio, claiming to be “Built on modular, open and AI technology.” Such systems promise seamless and efficient solutions for offer and order management. Both Saudia and Finnair are early adopters, testing the potential of a new AI-driven paradigm in an industry used to complex migrations and costly system overhauls.

Forging Ahead with AI Investment

Despite the significant investment and the intricate processes associated with implementation, airlines remain steadfast in their commitment to AI. The promise of hyper-personalized experiences for passengers, coupled with streamlined operational efficiencies, casts AI as the eventual pivotal tool for navigating the challenging aviation market landscape.

The stakes are high, and the journey is complex, but by investing in AI, airlines position themselves to unleash a new era of intelligent operations and revenue generation. Implementing the latest AI news & AI tools, such as AI text generators and AI images generators, is proving an essential factor in their pursuit of ever-evolving business excellence and customer-centric service. These developments hold immense potential, not just for airlines but for travelers worldwide, marking another evolution in the world of flight.