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Dear Visionary,
If you’re interested in taking full advantage of this exploding Artificial Intelligence space, having AI bring you more sales and speed while cutting costs… This may be the most important thing you ever read. Here’s why…
Most leaders entering AI don’t know how to do it right. With the constant rapid change of generative AI models, fast advancement of deep tech AI capabilities, and the sheer volume of ‘AI noise’ with ‘everyone’ talking about it…
You’re left wondering how you’ll ever get to learn, understand, and thrive in this space or even see what’s possible for you!
But Imagine what it would be like to actually Master Your Industry with the most powerful Industry AI… Not just fumble through it, but actually Create Revolutionary AI driven brains and processes to the point of Market Leader…. While wasting less time and money on failed attempts or boring ‘AI info sessions’ that don’t give you enough tangible, practical action items.
So let’s reflect for a sec… Do you think that AI has massive upwards potential? Are you CURIOUS to explore exactly how you can position yourself on the right side of this movement?
Then quit wasting time, money and stress GUESSING how to thrive with this tech and put our battle hardened, market proven AI expertise to use! As a leading global AI incubator, we’ve successfully deployed more custom AI’s into more industries than almost anyone you can find. Including with business in Australasia, North America, Africa, Middle East and Europe. With more than 25 industries to date (and counting);
- Federal Government & Satellites,
- AI ‘digital’ Sales & Marketing teams (let AI do your cold calls!),
- Construction companies,
- Manufacturers,
- Realestate / property,
- Education, Universities, RTO’s,
- Coaching and consulting firms,
- SAAS / software companies,
- Professional Services & IT Support
- Call Centres
- Law Firms
- Marketing agencies… and the list goes on!
Most executives are SHOCKED by how many systems we’ve already deployed and how fast we can get something live with you… Given we’ve already covered so many different use cases before!
See, our core philosophy is that if the project doesn’t directly make or save you more money, we don’t want yours.
So we do what no other AI specialists would dare… We’re SO confident in our ability deliver tangible outcomes using custom AI that we guarantee specific results in writing! A true Win-Win.
Speed is key… Time to talk?
(Click Each Person Below To View Video)
Join the revolution now
NFT’s create Overnight Millionaires every day. Inside this resource learn what an NFT is, how to create one, how to launch one, and how to invest in one. This book is the 101 for everything about NFT’s and how to start trading now.
As the world moves to AI for everything from running the average household, to working within businesses… Those who establish themselves early in the AI race reap the rewards.
Looking to leverage AI to make your organization smarter, faster, more competitive, and with lower costs? All while driving extra sales and getting more intelligent as you go? Some say it’s too good to be true… We say you’re in the right place.
AI hosts a unique global audience, running 24/7 in 60+ languages, open to every country in the world. AI offers a workforce without borders and traditional restrictions.
Companies are now turning into 24/7 operations without needing to hire more staff. They can sell 24/7. They can fulfil work 24/7. And they can serve their customers and clients 24/7 with digital presence across the globe, working hard, fast and smart.
AI opens new ways to sell goods and services in a 24/7 automated way to a global audience in 60+ languages. Companies are expanding their sales teams by a full 50+ sales agents, only this time… Those agents are human-like AI. Not people.
You can not get 10 sales people for the price of 1, giving you a huge leverage advantage, as they work tirelessly day in and day out contacting targets, following up deals, making new connections and bringing in sales. Your ‘Digital Sales Team’ can cold call 1000+ people per day, have real-time human level personal sales conversations via phone, email, whatsapp, websites, linkedin and SMS. They can generate you new leads, chase down old leads, and close the leads you have!
It’s quite common for a company to be able to change the delivery on a client order from a 4 week turnaround managed by 80 staff, to a 30 minute turnaround managed by just 10 staff and some specially trained AI agents. That can represent an 80%+ saving in cost and a 10,000% + increase in output. Those are not numbers to take lightly, and are possible in any industry!
Couple that with the ability to add 50x sales representatives to your team, where each digital agent contacts 300+ people per week to sell, upsell, book appointments, offer support or generate interest, and you have not just added an incremental gain… But you’ve radically flipped the industry on its head – with you as the leader.
“Artificial Intelligence” is the newest, most hyped, most spoken about technology… But very few people actually know how to turn that into business profits, and even fewer have actually done it.
Besides just cutting costs and increasing output, which AI can do very well, how about drastically improving your customer / client experience?
Imagine if even the smallest of customers could enjoy a highly personalised, highly tailored, bespoke, concierge type personal communication and instant support?
While your competitors offer professional services that require delivery wait times and business hours… Your highly trained AI can deliver tailored services 24/7 on-demand! Like the Netflix of Services!
While everyone else is still doing boring eCommerce sites… You can offer them a personal shopping assistant!
While others are still blasting generic emails… You can personally tailor each communication based on what that person is interested in and how they consume info! The possibilities are endless.
When websites were first invented many businesses were either ignorant or dismissed the use cases entirely. Others saw the opportunity and chased the future, creating the huge dotcom boom from which spawned many global giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon.
The same is occurring now, and represents the opportunity of a lifetime which PWC estimates to be worth $15.7 Trillion by 2030. For companies looking to grow, increase revenues and competitive advantage… The time to act is NOW while you’re still ahead of the curve.